Ecology Protection

Duran Petroleum Plant has been operating for many years in accordance with the international environmental management standard ISO 14001.

Environmental management system

The Duran Petroleum environmental management system, which meets the requirements of international standards ISO 14001-2004 series, has been in operation since 2022 and is audited annually by independent auditors. Duran Petroleum confirmed the environmental management system’s compliance with ISO 14001:2015 requirements in 2023. The implementation of an integrated environmental management system at the enterprise enables the assessment of potential environmental risks and the implementation of measures to mitigate negative effects and ensure environmental safety. Annual performance targets for the environmental management system, as well as other implemented and operating management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and ISO 50001, have been established at the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.

Environmental planning

Duran Petroleum’s primary goal is to reduce its environmental impact. Thus, in autumn 2023, new “Treatment facilities” with a capacity of 1,826 m3/h were launched for the enterprise’s industrial wastewater. A one-of-a-kind wastewater treatment system built by the Czech company “WABAG” was installed (built and commissioned) at the enterprise, making it the only one (unique) in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The State Committee for Environmental Protection RUz in the Republic of Uzbekistan holds “clean air” month campaigns twice a year, and unscheduled inspections of filling stations and service stations are also carried out. As a result, from August to September 2022, work was selectively performed at Duran Petroleum under the “Clean air” project to check exhaust gases for compliance with maximum allowable concentrations and vehicle technical state. Throughout the month, the air monitoring laboratory and the enterprise’s road transport shop engaged in a variety of activities aimed at reducing the environmental impact of harmful impurities emitted by vehicles. Reports were created based on the findings, and the effectiveness of the activities was assessed.

Environmental safety

Duran Petroleum’s main processes for ensuring environmental safety and protection are as follows:

  • Identification of legal requirements;
  • Inventory of emission resources and environmental impact assessment;
  • Identification of environmental aspects;
  • Environmental safety ensuring program management;
  • Risk management in environmental safety field;
  • Emissions, industrial and household waste management;
  • Biological diversity conservation;
  • Environmental monitoring and industrial environmental control;
  • Accident prevention, containment and remediation system management;

The air laboratory conducts daily industrial environmental control at the sanitary protection zone boundary and along the enterprise’s perimeter to ensure air quality and compliance with established standards. Pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere meet established standards. The company has developed and implemented environmental protection standards, and employees receive training on environmental safety and accountability for environmental law violations.

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